Bicep Curls exercise image
Bicep Curls exercise image
Bicep Curls exercise image

Bicep Curls: How to Guide (+GIF) & Alternatives

Bicep Workouts

Sep 12, 2023

Bicep Curls

Greetings, aspiring bicep champions! If you're on a quest for arms that rival even the mightiest Greek gods, look no further than the legendary bicep curl.

This guide will break down the exercise into step-by-step instructions and provide valuable tips to help you crush bicep curls.

Bicep Curls GIF

What are Bicep Curls?

Bicep curls primarily target the biceps brachii muscles, the two-headed muscles located on the front of your upper arms.

These muscles play a crucial role in lifting and bending your arms, making them essential for activities that involve arm strength, such as lifting weights, carrying groceries, or even picking up your kids. Here’s how to do it well.

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Equipment Needed:

  • Barbell or dumbbell or resistance bands

Steps to Crush Bicep Curls:

  1. Prepare Your Equipment

    To perform a bicep curl, you'll need a dumbbell, a barbell, or a resistance band, depending on your preference and what's available to you. Make sure the weight or resistance level is appropriate for your fitness level.

  2. Stand Tall

    Begin by standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the dumbbell or barbell with an underhand grip (palms facing upward) at arm's length in front of you. If you're using a resistance band, step on the band with both feet and grip the handles with your palms facing up.

  3. Position Your Arms

    Keep your elbows close to your torso and your upper arms stationary. This is your starting position.

  4. Perform the Curl

    Exhale as you curl the weight or resistance band upwards, contracting your biceps. Keep your wrists firm, and continue to raise the weight until your biceps are fully contracted, and the weight is at shoulder level. Hold for a brief pause at the top.

  5. Lower the Weight

    Inhale as you slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Keep the movement controlled and avoid swinging the weight.

  6. Repeat

    Perform the desired number of repetitions (usually 8-12) for one set. Aim for 2-4 sets with a 60-90 second rest between sets.

Target Muscle Groups

Bicep Muscle Group image

Exercise Variations:

  1. Hammer Curls

    Instead of a palm-up grip, hold the dumbbells with your palms facing each other (neutral grip). This variation works not only the biceps but also the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

  2. Concentration Curls

    Sit on a bench or chair, rest your elbow on your thigh, and curl the weight, isolating the biceps for a more focused workout.

  3. Preacher Curls

    Use a preacher bench to stabilize your upper arms and isolate the biceps. This variation emphasizes the peak of the biceps.

Alternative Exercises:

If you're looking to switch things up or target other muscle groups, here are some alternative exercises:

  1. Chin-Ups/Pull-Ups

    These compound movements engage not only the biceps but also the back and shoulders.

  2. Cable Curls

    Performed on a cable machine, these curls provide consistent tension throughout the range of motion.

  3. Hammer Strength Machine

    This machine isolates the biceps and offers various grip options.

Bicep Curls

Greetings, aspiring bicep champions! If you're on a quest for arms that rival even the mightiest Greek gods, look no further than the legendary bicep curl.

This guide will break down the exercise into step-by-step instructions and provide valuable tips to help you crush bicep curls.

Bicep Curls GIF

What are Bicep Curls?

Bicep curls primarily target the biceps brachii muscles, the two-headed muscles located on the front of your upper arms.

These muscles play a crucial role in lifting and bending your arms, making them essential for activities that involve arm strength, such as lifting weights, carrying groceries, or even picking up your kids. Here’s how to do it well.

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Equipment Needed:

  • Barbell or dumbbell or resistance bands

Steps to Crush Bicep Curls:

  1. Prepare Your Equipment

    To perform a bicep curl, you'll need a dumbbell, a barbell, or a resistance band, depending on your preference and what's available to you. Make sure the weight or resistance level is appropriate for your fitness level.

  2. Stand Tall

    Begin by standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the dumbbell or barbell with an underhand grip (palms facing upward) at arm's length in front of you. If you're using a resistance band, step on the band with both feet and grip the handles with your palms facing up.

  3. Position Your Arms

    Keep your elbows close to your torso and your upper arms stationary. This is your starting position.

  4. Perform the Curl

    Exhale as you curl the weight or resistance band upwards, contracting your biceps. Keep your wrists firm, and continue to raise the weight until your biceps are fully contracted, and the weight is at shoulder level. Hold for a brief pause at the top.

  5. Lower the Weight

    Inhale as you slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Keep the movement controlled and avoid swinging the weight.

  6. Repeat

    Perform the desired number of repetitions (usually 8-12) for one set. Aim for 2-4 sets with a 60-90 second rest between sets.

Target Muscle Groups

Bicep Muscle Group image

Exercise Variations:

  1. Hammer Curls

    Instead of a palm-up grip, hold the dumbbells with your palms facing each other (neutral grip). This variation works not only the biceps but also the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

  2. Concentration Curls

    Sit on a bench or chair, rest your elbow on your thigh, and curl the weight, isolating the biceps for a more focused workout.

  3. Preacher Curls

    Use a preacher bench to stabilize your upper arms and isolate the biceps. This variation emphasizes the peak of the biceps.

Alternative Exercises:

If you're looking to switch things up or target other muscle groups, here are some alternative exercises:

  1. Chin-Ups/Pull-Ups

    These compound movements engage not only the biceps but also the back and shoulders.

  2. Cable Curls

    Performed on a cable machine, these curls provide consistent tension throughout the range of motion.

  3. Hammer Strength Machine

    This machine isolates the biceps and offers various grip options.

Bicep Curls

Greetings, aspiring bicep champions! If you're on a quest for arms that rival even the mightiest Greek gods, look no further than the legendary bicep curl.

This guide will break down the exercise into step-by-step instructions and provide valuable tips to help you crush bicep curls.

Bicep Curls GIF

What are Bicep Curls?

Bicep curls primarily target the biceps brachii muscles, the two-headed muscles located on the front of your upper arms.

These muscles play a crucial role in lifting and bending your arms, making them essential for activities that involve arm strength, such as lifting weights, carrying groceries, or even picking up your kids. Here’s how to do it well.

Get cusomt workouts daily with the SimplyFit app

Equipment Needed:

  • Barbell or dumbbell or resistance bands

Steps to Crush Bicep Curls:

  1. Prepare Your Equipment

    To perform a bicep curl, you'll need a dumbbell, a barbell, or a resistance band, depending on your preference and what's available to you. Make sure the weight or resistance level is appropriate for your fitness level.

  2. Stand Tall

    Begin by standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the dumbbell or barbell with an underhand grip (palms facing upward) at arm's length in front of you. If you're using a resistance band, step on the band with both feet and grip the handles with your palms facing up.

  3. Position Your Arms

    Keep your elbows close to your torso and your upper arms stationary. This is your starting position.

  4. Perform the Curl

    Exhale as you curl the weight or resistance band upwards, contracting your biceps. Keep your wrists firm, and continue to raise the weight until your biceps are fully contracted, and the weight is at shoulder level. Hold for a brief pause at the top.

  5. Lower the Weight

    Inhale as you slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Keep the movement controlled and avoid swinging the weight.

  6. Repeat

    Perform the desired number of repetitions (usually 8-12) for one set. Aim for 2-4 sets with a 60-90 second rest between sets.

Target Muscle Groups

Bicep Muscle Group image

Exercise Variations:

  1. Hammer Curls

    Instead of a palm-up grip, hold the dumbbells with your palms facing each other (neutral grip). This variation works not only the biceps but also the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

  2. Concentration Curls

    Sit on a bench or chair, rest your elbow on your thigh, and curl the weight, isolating the biceps for a more focused workout.

  3. Preacher Curls

    Use a preacher bench to stabilize your upper arms and isolate the biceps. This variation emphasizes the peak of the biceps.

Alternative Exercises:

If you're looking to switch things up or target other muscle groups, here are some alternative exercises:

  1. Chin-Ups/Pull-Ups

    These compound movements engage not only the biceps but also the back and shoulders.

  2. Cable Curls

    Performed on a cable machine, these curls provide consistent tension throughout the range of motion.

  3. Hammer Strength Machine

    This machine isolates the biceps and offers various grip options.