Lunges exercises image
Lunges exercises image
Lunges exercises image

Lunges: How to Guide (+GIF) & Alternatives

Leg Workouts

Sep 5, 2023

The Lunge

Few exercises are as versatile and effective as lunges. They have earned their place in every fitness enthusiast's routine by targeting multiple muscle groups, improving balance, and enhancing flexibility.

This guide will break down the exercise into step-by-step instructions and provide valuable tips to help you crush lunges.

Lunges GIF

What is a Lunge?

Lunges are like the Shakespearean actors of the workout world – versatile and dramatic.

They target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes while also giving your balance and flexibility a run for their money. Here’s how to do it well.

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Equipment Needed:

  • Dumbbells

  • Plates

  • Bodyweight

Steps to Crush Lunges:

  1. Stand Tall

    Start by standing up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Engage your core to maintain good posture throughout the exercise.

  2. Take a Step

    Take a big step forward with one foot. Keep your upper body upright, and your chest lifted.

  3. Bend Both Knees

    As you step forward, bend both knees until they form 90-degree angles. Ensure that your front knee is directly above your ankle, and your back knee hovers just above the floor.

  4. Maintain a Straight Back

    Keep your back straight throughout the lunge. Avoid leaning forward or backward.

  5. Push Back

    Push off your front foot to return to the starting position. Use your glutes and quads to power the movement.

  6. Switch Legs

    Repeat the same steps with your opposite leg. This completes one repetition.

Target Muscle Group

Glutes muscle groupHamstring muscle groupQuads muscle group

Exercise Variations

  1. Reverse Lunges

    Instead of stepping forward, step backward into the lunge. This variation can be gentler on the knees.

  2. Walking Lunges

    Perform lunges while walking forward, alternating legs with each step.

  3. Lateral Lunges

    Step to the side, bending one knee while keeping the other straight. Alternate sides to work your inner and outer thighs.

  4. Curtsy Lunges

    Cross one leg behind the other, similar to a curtsy. This variation targets the glutes and outer thighs.

  5. Jumping Lunges

    Add explosiveness to your lunges by jumping between each lunge. This enhances cardiovascular fitness and leg strength.

Alternative Exercises

If lunges don't suit your fitness goals or you have physical limitations, consider these alternative lower-body exercises:

  1. Squats

    Squats are an excellent way to work the same muscle groups as lunges while placing less strain on the knees.

  2. Step-Ups

    Use a bench or sturdy platform to step up and down, engaging your lower body muscles.

  3. Leg Press Machine

    If you have access to a gym, the leg press machine is great for targeting your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

  4. Resistance Band Exercises

    Use resistance bands for various leg exercises like leg extensions and seated leg curls.

The Lunge

Few exercises are as versatile and effective as lunges. They have earned their place in every fitness enthusiast's routine by targeting multiple muscle groups, improving balance, and enhancing flexibility.

This guide will break down the exercise into step-by-step instructions and provide valuable tips to help you crush lunges.

Lunges GIF

What is a Lunge?

Lunges are like the Shakespearean actors of the workout world – versatile and dramatic.

They target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes while also giving your balance and flexibility a run for their money. Here’s how to do it well.

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Equipment Needed:

  • Dumbbells

  • Plates

  • Bodyweight

Steps to Crush Lunges:

  1. Stand Tall

    Start by standing up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Engage your core to maintain good posture throughout the exercise.

  2. Take a Step

    Take a big step forward with one foot. Keep your upper body upright, and your chest lifted.

  3. Bend Both Knees

    As you step forward, bend both knees until they form 90-degree angles. Ensure that your front knee is directly above your ankle, and your back knee hovers just above the floor.

  4. Maintain a Straight Back

    Keep your back straight throughout the lunge. Avoid leaning forward or backward.

  5. Push Back

    Push off your front foot to return to the starting position. Use your glutes and quads to power the movement.

  6. Switch Legs

    Repeat the same steps with your opposite leg. This completes one repetition.

Target Muscle Group

Glutes muscle groupHamstring muscle groupQuads muscle group

Exercise Variations

  1. Reverse Lunges

    Instead of stepping forward, step backward into the lunge. This variation can be gentler on the knees.

  2. Walking Lunges

    Perform lunges while walking forward, alternating legs with each step.

  3. Lateral Lunges

    Step to the side, bending one knee while keeping the other straight. Alternate sides to work your inner and outer thighs.

  4. Curtsy Lunges

    Cross one leg behind the other, similar to a curtsy. This variation targets the glutes and outer thighs.

  5. Jumping Lunges

    Add explosiveness to your lunges by jumping between each lunge. This enhances cardiovascular fitness and leg strength.

Alternative Exercises

If lunges don't suit your fitness goals or you have physical limitations, consider these alternative lower-body exercises:

  1. Squats

    Squats are an excellent way to work the same muscle groups as lunges while placing less strain on the knees.

  2. Step-Ups

    Use a bench or sturdy platform to step up and down, engaging your lower body muscles.

  3. Leg Press Machine

    If you have access to a gym, the leg press machine is great for targeting your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

  4. Resistance Band Exercises

    Use resistance bands for various leg exercises like leg extensions and seated leg curls.

The Lunge

Few exercises are as versatile and effective as lunges. They have earned their place in every fitness enthusiast's routine by targeting multiple muscle groups, improving balance, and enhancing flexibility.

This guide will break down the exercise into step-by-step instructions and provide valuable tips to help you crush lunges.

Lunges GIF

What is a Lunge?

Lunges are like the Shakespearean actors of the workout world – versatile and dramatic.

They target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes while also giving your balance and flexibility a run for their money. Here’s how to do it well.

Get custom workouts daily with the SimplyFit app

Equipment Needed:

  • Dumbbells

  • Plates

  • Bodyweight

Steps to Crush Lunges:

  1. Stand Tall

    Start by standing up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Engage your core to maintain good posture throughout the exercise.

  2. Take a Step

    Take a big step forward with one foot. Keep your upper body upright, and your chest lifted.

  3. Bend Both Knees

    As you step forward, bend both knees until they form 90-degree angles. Ensure that your front knee is directly above your ankle, and your back knee hovers just above the floor.

  4. Maintain a Straight Back

    Keep your back straight throughout the lunge. Avoid leaning forward or backward.

  5. Push Back

    Push off your front foot to return to the starting position. Use your glutes and quads to power the movement.

  6. Switch Legs

    Repeat the same steps with your opposite leg. This completes one repetition.

Target Muscle Group

Glutes muscle groupHamstring muscle groupQuads muscle group

Exercise Variations

  1. Reverse Lunges

    Instead of stepping forward, step backward into the lunge. This variation can be gentler on the knees.

  2. Walking Lunges

    Perform lunges while walking forward, alternating legs with each step.

  3. Lateral Lunges

    Step to the side, bending one knee while keeping the other straight. Alternate sides to work your inner and outer thighs.

  4. Curtsy Lunges

    Cross one leg behind the other, similar to a curtsy. This variation targets the glutes and outer thighs.

  5. Jumping Lunges

    Add explosiveness to your lunges by jumping between each lunge. This enhances cardiovascular fitness and leg strength.

Alternative Exercises

If lunges don't suit your fitness goals or you have physical limitations, consider these alternative lower-body exercises:

  1. Squats

    Squats are an excellent way to work the same muscle groups as lunges while placing less strain on the knees.

  2. Step-Ups

    Use a bench or sturdy platform to step up and down, engaging your lower body muscles.

  3. Leg Press Machine

    If you have access to a gym, the leg press machine is great for targeting your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

  4. Resistance Band Exercises

    Use resistance bands for various leg exercises like leg extensions and seated leg curls.