Tricep Skull Crushers image
Tricep Skull Crushers image
Tricep Skull Crushers image

Skull Crushers: How to Guide (+GIF) & Alternatives

Tricep Workouts

Aug 30, 2023

The Skull Crusher

When it comes to building impressive upper arms, few exercises rival the effectiveness of tricep skull crushers. Don't worry; no actual skulls are involved!

This guide will break down the exercise into step-by-step instructions and provide valuable tips to help you complete the skull crusher exercise.

Tricep Skull Crusher GIF

What are Skull Crushers?

Tricep skull crushers, also known as lying tricep extensions, sound like something out of a heavy metal album, but they're actually a killer exercise to pump up those upper arms.

This exercise primarily engages the triceps brachii muscles, located on the back of your upper arms, while also activating the shoulders and chest to a lesser extent. Here’s how to do it well.

Gte daily custom workouts with SimplyFit

Equipment Needed:

  • Bench or floor

  • Barbell or dumbbells

Steps to Dominate Skull Crushers:

  1. Setting the Stage

    First, park yourself on a bench or the floor. Your feet are your loyal supporters, planted firmly on the ground. Grab a barbell or some dumbbells with a grip that says, "I got this."

  2. Getting Started

    Imagine you're holding up the imaginary crown jewels—hold that barbell or dumbbells straight up, palms facing the future (or ceiling, in this case). Keep them close, like best friends.

  3. Down Goes Frazier

    Now, slowly bend your elbows, lowering the weights toward your forehead. Get as close as you can, but don't actually touch it. Keep those elbows pointing up; no chicken wings allowed!

  4. Flex Zone

    Pause when your forearms are parallel to the floor (or close enough). This is where the triceps scream, "We feel alive!" Flex those triceps, feel the burn, and wink at your reflection for good measure.

  5. Rise and Shine

    Lift those weights back up. Squeeze your triceps like they owe you money. Exhale during this part—it's like your triceps' sigh of relief.

  6. Encore, Encore

    Repeat this for 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps. Choose weights that challenge you but don't make you look like a windmill struggling against a hurricane.

Target Muscle Group

Tricep Muscle Group

Exercise Variations:

EZ-Bar Skull Crushers
Instead of using a straight barbell, you can use an EZ-bar, which has a zigzag shape that provides a more comfortable grip.

Incline Skull Crushers
Perform the exercise on an inclined bench. This variation places more emphasis on the long head of the triceps.

Dumbbell Skull Crushers
Use dumbbells instead of a barbell for a greater range of motion and increased stabilizer muscle engagement.

Alternative Exercises:

Triceps Dips
Using parallel bars or a dip station, lower your body by bending your elbows and then push back up. This exercise effectively targets the triceps.

Close-Grip Bench Press
Perform a bench press with your hands placed closer together. This variation puts a strong emphasis on the triceps muscles.

Cable Triceps Pushdowns
Attach a rope or bar to a cable machine and push it downward, extending your elbows. This exercise provides constant tension on the triceps.

The Skull Crusher

When it comes to building impressive upper arms, few exercises rival the effectiveness of tricep skull crushers. Don't worry; no actual skulls are involved!

This guide will break down the exercise into step-by-step instructions and provide valuable tips to help you complete the skull crusher exercise.

Tricep Skull Crusher GIF

What are Skull Crushers?

Tricep skull crushers, also known as lying tricep extensions, sound like something out of a heavy metal album, but they're actually a killer exercise to pump up those upper arms.

This exercise primarily engages the triceps brachii muscles, located on the back of your upper arms, while also activating the shoulders and chest to a lesser extent. Here’s how to do it well.

Gte daily custom workouts with SimplyFit

Equipment Needed:

  • Bench or floor

  • Barbell or dumbbells

Steps to Dominate Skull Crushers:

  1. Setting the Stage

    First, park yourself on a bench or the floor. Your feet are your loyal supporters, planted firmly on the ground. Grab a barbell or some dumbbells with a grip that says, "I got this."

  2. Getting Started

    Imagine you're holding up the imaginary crown jewels—hold that barbell or dumbbells straight up, palms facing the future (or ceiling, in this case). Keep them close, like best friends.

  3. Down Goes Frazier

    Now, slowly bend your elbows, lowering the weights toward your forehead. Get as close as you can, but don't actually touch it. Keep those elbows pointing up; no chicken wings allowed!

  4. Flex Zone

    Pause when your forearms are parallel to the floor (or close enough). This is where the triceps scream, "We feel alive!" Flex those triceps, feel the burn, and wink at your reflection for good measure.

  5. Rise and Shine

    Lift those weights back up. Squeeze your triceps like they owe you money. Exhale during this part—it's like your triceps' sigh of relief.

  6. Encore, Encore

    Repeat this for 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps. Choose weights that challenge you but don't make you look like a windmill struggling against a hurricane.

Target Muscle Group

Tricep Muscle Group

Exercise Variations:

EZ-Bar Skull Crushers
Instead of using a straight barbell, you can use an EZ-bar, which has a zigzag shape that provides a more comfortable grip.

Incline Skull Crushers
Perform the exercise on an inclined bench. This variation places more emphasis on the long head of the triceps.

Dumbbell Skull Crushers
Use dumbbells instead of a barbell for a greater range of motion and increased stabilizer muscle engagement.

Alternative Exercises:

Triceps Dips
Using parallel bars or a dip station, lower your body by bending your elbows and then push back up. This exercise effectively targets the triceps.

Close-Grip Bench Press
Perform a bench press with your hands placed closer together. This variation puts a strong emphasis on the triceps muscles.

Cable Triceps Pushdowns
Attach a rope or bar to a cable machine and push it downward, extending your elbows. This exercise provides constant tension on the triceps.

The Skull Crusher

When it comes to building impressive upper arms, few exercises rival the effectiveness of tricep skull crushers. Don't worry; no actual skulls are involved!

This guide will break down the exercise into step-by-step instructions and provide valuable tips to help you complete the skull crusher exercise.

Tricep Skull Crusher GIF

What are Skull Crushers?

Tricep skull crushers, also known as lying tricep extensions, sound like something out of a heavy metal album, but they're actually a killer exercise to pump up those upper arms.

This exercise primarily engages the triceps brachii muscles, located on the back of your upper arms, while also activating the shoulders and chest to a lesser extent. Here’s how to do it well.

Gte daily custom workouts with SimplyFit

Equipment Needed:

  • Bench or floor

  • Barbell or dumbbells

Steps to Dominate Skull Crushers:

  1. Setting the Stage

    First, park yourself on a bench or the floor. Your feet are your loyal supporters, planted firmly on the ground. Grab a barbell or some dumbbells with a grip that says, "I got this."

  2. Getting Started

    Imagine you're holding up the imaginary crown jewels—hold that barbell or dumbbells straight up, palms facing the future (or ceiling, in this case). Keep them close, like best friends.

  3. Down Goes Frazier

    Now, slowly bend your elbows, lowering the weights toward your forehead. Get as close as you can, but don't actually touch it. Keep those elbows pointing up; no chicken wings allowed!

  4. Flex Zone

    Pause when your forearms are parallel to the floor (or close enough). This is where the triceps scream, "We feel alive!" Flex those triceps, feel the burn, and wink at your reflection for good measure.

  5. Rise and Shine

    Lift those weights back up. Squeeze your triceps like they owe you money. Exhale during this part—it's like your triceps' sigh of relief.

  6. Encore, Encore

    Repeat this for 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps. Choose weights that challenge you but don't make you look like a windmill struggling against a hurricane.

Target Muscle Group

Tricep Muscle Group

Exercise Variations:

EZ-Bar Skull Crushers
Instead of using a straight barbell, you can use an EZ-bar, which has a zigzag shape that provides a more comfortable grip.

Incline Skull Crushers
Perform the exercise on an inclined bench. This variation places more emphasis on the long head of the triceps.

Dumbbell Skull Crushers
Use dumbbells instead of a barbell for a greater range of motion and increased stabilizer muscle engagement.

Alternative Exercises:

Triceps Dips
Using parallel bars or a dip station, lower your body by bending your elbows and then push back up. This exercise effectively targets the triceps.

Close-Grip Bench Press
Perform a bench press with your hands placed closer together. This variation puts a strong emphasis on the triceps muscles.

Cable Triceps Pushdowns
Attach a rope or bar to a cable machine and push it downward, extending your elbows. This exercise provides constant tension on the triceps.